Saturday, June 5, 2010

sad and fun stuff

i lost my tooth on tobes birthday it did not hrt infact i did not evene feel it. tobe will loos his teeth soon.
aly did not evene loos eny teeth shes only two.
wen i was watinge by the bus the kids wer handing out ice creem.

see i was watinge. it wasint fun to wate for the sine.


  1. I just love reading your blog kiddo:) Aren't you glad that school is out for the summer? Now it's time to party!!!

  2. Yay!!! Your tooth is finally out!
    I love your blog!!

  3. What about your cool fun run? You promised to do a blog about the fun run. Jessica is excited to come and see you. She gets on the airplane tomorrow night. She is so lucky!

  4. It's nice to read what is happening with you Jane. We are so looking forward to seeing you when you come through Colorado on your way home. Have a fun time in Utah!
