Saturday, March 27, 2010

fun spring

i have a loos tooth.i got a peresint fram my freind.i can ride a two weelr.


  1. You are groing up! I am proud of you riding your bike without training wheels! When you lose your tooth, the tooth fairy will bring you a surprise! Love you Janey Bug! (Aunt Ashley in Utah)

  2. I can't believe you can ride your bike without training wheels!!!
    A loose tooth?? Take a picture when it falls out so we can see your new smile!
    I am glad you are blogging again - I have missed your fun messages and pictures.

  3. Jane-we will have to take some pictures of you riding your bike and wiggling your tooth. You have had quite a week. You are getting so big!! I am proud of you:)

  4. mackay jane thanks for checking out my blog. i like your blog too. I will check yours all the time. thanks
